
Increasingly Sophisticated, Now AI (Artificial Intelligence) Technology Can Help Operate the Manufacturing Industry

5 Minutes Read

June 2, 2024

The existence of AI is now starting to become more sophisticated, and can be integrated with systems in the manufacturing industry along with deep learning technology and neural networks. These two technologies can make AI or computers learn from data and can make their performance improve independently. The AI ​​that we know today is starting to reach various sectors and there are even concerns that AI will be able to compete with human expertise. In our daily lives, AI has helped a lot, such as using Chat Bots, Maps, Search Engines, Social Media, and many more, but who would have thought that AI can now help in our effectiveness at work, especially in the manufacturing industry.

Development of AI in the Manufacturing Industry

Currently, the development of AI in the manufacturing industry is useful in non-destructive measurements and testing, as well as several other processes that can streamline the production process. AI which plays a role in this is channeled into product or software design. As we know, the manufacturing industry sector is a sector that relies on heavy equipment, so how can AI help jobs in this industry? Meanwhile, most companies still use old school equipment and utilize limited digital interfaces.

In general, the AI ​​process in its use in the manufacturing industry is to detect and classify defects or errors in various industrial objects automatically and in real time, and provide solutions to these problems. By using data that is frequently used every day such as IoT Industry and Smart Factory, AI is clear has a useful role and use in the manufacturing industrial sector.

From this, manufacturing companies are starting to innovate by reaching out to Artificial Intelligence (AI) solutions in the form of deep learning neural networks and machine learning where the aim is to process or analyze data and find better solutions in activities in industry.

By using AI in processes production, can make work more effective such as a more accurate production process and can save material when used in industry. Apart from that, it is time for AI and Manufacturing to work together to ensure smooth production.

Previously, the majority of manufacturing industries still relied on old equipment whose digital interface features were still very limited. This certainly makes the company have to work even harder.

Luckily, AI is present with its intelligence in manufacturing processes that are more precise, faster, and can solve problems when defects appear in the fabrication process. All of this can be achieved with the digital twin feature, of course this feature can be useful for maintaining the manufacturing process.

Finally, many manufacturing industry companies are starting to believe that AI (Aritificial Intelligence) is the best solution to compete with competitors, even small companies believe that with AI they can compete with larger companies. In general technical and operational expertise.

Uses of AI in the Manufacturing Industry

manufacturing industry
AI robots that operate operational activities in industry

Many people wonder what the use or role of AI is in industrial manufacturing processes? For ordinary people, AI is certainly considered foreign in the industrial realm, and it is not uncommon for them to underestimate the usefulness of AI. But what you need to know is that the use of AI in the manufacturing industry has many features that simplify work in the industry.

What are the uses of AI in industrial manufacturing processes? Come on, see the explanation below!

A. Creating Creativity

With the machine learning feature, the integrated AI can imitate the design process by engineers so that the manufacturing industry can quickly produce products that have been produced and have hundreds of design options.

B. Quality Control

By using AI as Quality Control, you can quickly identify problems or errors in a service or product.

C. Process Improvement

Companies that use AI can increase the productivity of the manufacturing process and also make the process faster.

D. Raw Material Price Insights

AI assistance can provide insight or predictions related to commodity prices, which sometimes requires companies to do research that takes longer.

E. Robotics

Robots from AI products that are integrated with manufacturing can be useful in tasks in the manufacturing process that are more interactive (not monotonous), thereby reducing human errors that usually occur. Apart from that, it can make workers focus more on the very profitable aspects of the business.

F. Aspect Analysis

With the Edge Analytics feature, AI integrated into the manufacturing process not only carries out the production process, but can also be useful in providing insights.

G. Improved Shop-Floor Performance

Finally, using AI which has a digital twin feature can be useful for tracking and analyzing the production cycle to look for indications of quality problems or any production areas where performance is far from what is expected.

That is why currently AI technology is really needed in everyday life, especially in work productivity in the manufacturing industry. Moreover, AI technology will continue to develop all the time, but behind this, the company’s role must also be more aware by preparing a clear roadmap so that the use of AI continues to function as expected.

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Increasingly Sophisticated, Now AI (Artificial Intelligence) Technology Can Help Operate the Manufacturing Industry

Kerberadaan AI saat ini mulai semakin canggih, terlebih dengan hadirnya teknologi deep learning dan juga neural network. Kedua teknologi tersebut dapat membuat AI atau komputer belajar dari data serta dapat membuat perfomanya meningkatan secara mandiri. AI yang kita kenal sekarang pun mulai menjangkau berbagai sektor bahkan AI mulai dikhawatirkan dapat menyaingi keahlian manusia.